11. Span Data as Messages

You can accumulate and send span data over Spring Cloud Stream by including the spring-cloud-sleuth-stream jar as a dependency, and adding a Channel Binder implementation (e.g. spring-cloud-starter-stream-rabbit for RabbitMQ or spring-cloud-starter-stream-kafka for Kafka). This will automatically turn your app into a producer of messages with payload type Spans. The channel name to which the spans will be sent is called sleuth.

11.1 Zipkin Consumer


spring-cloud-sleuth-zipkin-stream is deprecated and should no longer be used. Please use the OpenZipkin’s Zipkin server and set the environment variables as presented here for rabbit (Zipkin 2.4.6) or here for kafka (Zipkin 2.4.6)

There is a special convenience annotation for setting up a message consumer for the Span data and pushing it into a Zipkin SpanStore. This application

public class Consumer {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(Consumer.class, args);

will listen for the Span data on whatever transport you provide via a Spring Cloud Stream Binder (e.g. include spring-cloud-starter-stream-rabbit for RabbitMQ, and similar starters exist for Redis and Kafka). If you add the following UI dependency


Then you’ll have your app a Zipkin server, which hosts the UI and api on port 9411.

The default SpanStore is in-memory (good for demos and getting started quickly). For a more robust solution you can add MySQL and spring-boot-starter-jdbc to your classpath and enable the JDBC SpanStore via configuration, e.g.:

    host: ${RABBIT_HOST:localhost}
    schema: classpath:/mysql.sql
    url: jdbc:mysql://${MYSQL_HOST:localhost}/test
    username: root
    password: root
# Switch this on to create the schema on startup:
    initialize: true
    continueOnError: true
    enabled: false
    type: mysql

The @EnableZipkinStreamServer is also annotated with @EnableZipkinServer so the process will also expose the standard Zipkin server endpoints for collecting spans over HTTP, and for querying in the Zipkin Web UI.

11.2 Custom Consumer

A custom consumer can also easily be implemented using spring-cloud-sleuth-stream and binding to the SleuthSink. Example:

@SpringBootApplication(exclude = SleuthStreamAutoConfiguration.class)
public class Consumer {

    @ServiceActivator(inputChannel = SleuthSink.INPUT)
    public void sink(Spans input) throws Exception {
        // ... process spans

the sample consumer application above explicitly excludes SleuthStreamAutoConfiguration so it doesn’t send messages to itself, but this is optional (you might actually want to trace requests into the consumer app).

In order to customize the polling mechanism you can create a bean of PollerMetadata type with name equal to StreamSpanReporter.POLLER. Here you can find an example of such a configuration.

public static class CustomPollerConfiguration {

	@Bean(name = StreamSpanReporter.POLLER)
	PollerMetadata customPoller() {
		PollerMetadata poller = new PollerMetadata();
		poller.setTrigger(new PeriodicTrigger(5000L));
		return poller;