Part XII. Spring Cloud for Cloud Foundry

Spring Cloud for Cloudfoundry makes it easy to run Spring Cloud apps in Cloud Foundry (the Platform as a Service). Cloud Foundry has the notion of a "service", which is middlware that you "bind" to an app, essentially providing it with an environment variable containing credentials (e.g. the location and username to use for the service).

The spring-cloud-cloudfoundry-web project provides basic support for some enhanced features of webapps in Cloud Foundry: binding automatically to single-sign-on services and optionally enabling sticky routing for discovery.

The spring-cloud-cloudfoundry-discovery project provides an implementation of Spring Cloud Commons DiscoveryClient so you can @EnableDiscoveryClient and provide your credentials as[email,password] and then you can use the DiscoveryClient directly or via a LoadBalancerClient (also *.url if you are not connecting to Pivotal Web Services).

The first time you use it the discovery client might be slow owing to the fact that it has to get an access token from Cloud Foundry.