136. PropertySource Reload

Some applications may need to detect changes on external property sources and update their internal status to reflect the new configuration. The reload feature of Spring Cloud Kubernetes is able to trigger an application reload when a related ConfigMap or Secret changes.

This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled using the configuration property spring.cloud.kubernetes.reload.enabled=true (eg. in the application.properties file).

The following levels of reload are supported (property spring.cloud.kubernetes.reload.strategy): - refresh (default): only configuration beans annotated with @ConfigurationProperties or @RefreshScope are reloaded. This reload level leverages the refresh feature of Spring Cloud Context. - restart_context: the whole Spring ApplicationContext is gracefully restarted. Beans are recreated with the new configuration. - shutdown: the Spring ApplicationContext is shut down to activate a restart of the container. When using this level, make sure that the lifecycle of all non-daemon threads is bound to the ApplicationContext and that a replication controller or replica set is configured to restart the pod.


Assuming that the reload feature is enabled with default settings (refresh mode), the following bean will be refreshed when the config map changes:

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "bean")
public class MyConfig {

    private String message = "a message that can be changed live";

    // getter and setters


A way to see that changes effectively happen is creating another bean that prints the message periodically.

public class MyBean {

    private MyConfig config;

    @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 5000)
    public void hello() {
        System.out.println("The message is: " + config.getMessage());

The message printed by the application can be changed using a ConfigMap as follows:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: reload-example
  application.properties: |-
    bean.message=Hello World!

Any change to the property named bean.message in the ConfigMap associated to the pod will be reflected in the output. More generally speaking, changes associated to properties prefixed with the value defined by the prefix field of the @ConfigurationProperties annotation will be detected and reflected in the application. [Associating a ConfigMap to a pod](#configmap-propertysource) is explained above.

The full example is available in [spring-cloud-kubernetes-reload-example](spring-cloud-kubernetes-examples/kubernetes-reload-example).

The reload feature supports two operating modes: - event (default): watches for changes in config maps or secrets using the Kubernetes API (web socket). Any event will produce a re-check on the configuration and a reload in case of changes. The view role on the service account is required in order to listen for config map changes. A higher level role (eg. edit) is required for secrets (secrets are not monitored by default). - polling: re-creates the configuration periodically from config maps and secrets to see if it has changed. The polling period can be configured using the property spring.cloud.kubernetes.reload.period and defaults to 15 seconds. It requires the same role as the monitored property source. This means, for example, that using polling on file mounted secret sources does not require particular privileges.

Table 136.1. Properties:





The period in milliseconds for verifying changes when using the polling strategy




Enables monitoring of property sources and configuration reload




Allow monitoring changes in config maps




Allow monitoring changes in secrets




The strategy to use when firing a reload (refresh, restart_context, shutdown)




Specifies how to listen for changes in property sources (event, polling)

Notes: - Properties under spring.cloud.kubernetes.reload. should not be used in config maps or secrets: changing such properties at runtime may lead to unexpected results; - Deleting a property or the whole config map does not restore the original state of the beans when using the refresh level.