153. Spring Cloud Stream

Spring Cloud GCP provides a Spring Cloud Stream binder to Google Cloud Pub/Sub.

The provided binder relies on the Spring Integration Channel Adapters for Google Cloud Pub/Sub.

Maven coordinates, using Spring Cloud GCP BOM:


Gradle coordinates:

dependencies {
    compile group: 'org.springframework.cloud', name: 'spring-cloud-gcp-pubsub-stream-binder'

153.1 Overview

This binder binds producers to Google Cloud Pub/Sub topics and consumers to subscriptions.


Partitioning is currently not supported by this binder.

153.2 Configuration

You can configure the Spring Cloud Stream Binder for Google Cloud Pub/Sub to automatically generate the underlying resources, like the Google Cloud Pub/Sub topics and subscriptions for producers and consumers. For that, you can use the spring.cloud.stream.gcp.pubsub.bindings.<channelName>.<consumer|producer>.auto-create-resources property, which is turned ON by default.

Starting with version 1.1, these and other binder properties can be configured globally for all the bindings, e.g. spring.cloud.stream.gcp.pubsub.default.consumer.auto-create-resources.

If you are using Pub/Sub auto-configuration from the Spring Cloud GCP Pub/Sub Starter, you should refer to the configuration section for other Pub/Sub parameters.


To use this binder with a running emulator, configure its host and port via spring.cloud.gcp.pubsub.emulator-host.

153.2.1 Producer Destination Configuration

If automatic resource creation is turned ON and the topic corresponding to the destination name does not exist, it will be created.

For example, for the following configuration, a topic called myEvents would be created.



153.2.2 Consumer Destination Configuration

If automatic resource creation is turned ON and the subscription and/or the topic do not exist for a consumer, a subscription and potentially a topic will be created. The topic name will be the same as the destination name, and the subscription name will be the destination name followed by the consumer group name.

Regardless of the auto-create-resources setting, if the consumer group is not specified, an anonymous one will be created with the name anonymous.<destinationName>.<randomUUID>. Then when the binder shuts down, all Pub/Sub subscriptions created for anonymous consumer groups will be automatically cleaned up.

For example, for the following configuration, a topic named myEvents and a subscription called myEvents.counsumerGroup1 would be created. If the consumer group is not specified, a subscription called anonymous.myEvents.a6d83782-c5a3-4861-ac38-e6e2af15a7be would be created and later cleaned up.


If you are manually creating Pub/Sub subscriptions for consumers, make sure that they follow the naming convention of <destinationName>.<consumerGroup>.



# specify consumer group, and avoid anonymous consumer group generation

153.3 Sample

A sample application is available.