Cloud Native Applications

Table of Contents

1. Spring Cloud Context: Application Context Services
1.1. The Bootstrap Application Context
1.2. Application Context Hierarchies
1.3. Changing the Location of Bootstrap Properties
1.4. Overriding the Values of Remote Properties
1.5. Customizing the Bootstrap Configuration
1.6. Customizing the Bootstrap Property Sources
1.7. Logging Configuration
1.8. Environment Changes
1.9. Refresh Scope
1.10. Encryption and Decryption
1.11. Endpoints
2. Spring Cloud Commons: Common Abstractions
2.1. @EnableDiscoveryClient
2.1.1. Health Indicator
2.2. ServiceRegistry
2.2.1. ServiceRegistry Auto-Registration
2.2.2. Service Registry Actuator Endpoint
2.3. Spring RestTemplate as a Load Balancer Client
2.4. Spring WebClient as a Load Balancer Client
2.4.1. Retrying Failed Requests
2.5. Multiple RestTemplate objects
2.6. Spring WebFlux WebClient as a Load Balancer Client
2.7. Ignore Network Interfaces
2.8. HTTP Client Factories
2.9. Enabled Features
2.9.1. Feature types
2.9.2. Declaring features