Spring Cloud Consul

Table of Contents

1. Install Consul
2. Consul Agent
3. Service Discovery with Consul
3.1. How to activate
3.2. Registering with Consul
3.3. HTTP Health Check
3.3.1. Metadata and Consul tags
3.3.2. Making the Consul Instance ID Unique
3.4. Looking up services
3.4.1. Using Ribbon
3.4.2. Using the DiscoveryClient
4. Distributed Configuration with Consul
4.1. How to activate
4.2. Customizing
4.3. Config Watch
4.4. YAML or Properties with Config
4.5. git2consul with Config
4.6. Fail Fast
5. Consul Retry
6. Spring Cloud Bus with Consul
6.1. How to activate
7. Circuit Breaker with Hystrix
8. Hystrix metrics aggregation with Turbine and Consul