Spring Cloud Kubernetes

Table of Contents

1. Why do you need Spring Cloud Kubernetes?
I. DiscoveryClient for Kubernetes
II. Kubernetes PropertySource implementations
2. ConfigMap PropertySource
3. Secrets PropertySource
4. PropertySource Reload
III. Ribbon discovery in Kubernetes
IV. Kubernetes Awareness
5. Kubernetes Profile Autoconfiguration
V. Pod Health Indicator
VI. Leader Election
VII. Security Configurations inside Kubernetes
6. Namespace
7. Service Account
VIII. Examples
IX. Other Resources
8. Building
8.1. Basic Compile and Test
8.2. Documentation
8.3. Working with the code
8.3.1. Importing into eclipse with m2eclipse
8.3.2. Importing into eclipse without m2eclipse
9. Contributing
9.1. Sign the Contributor License Agreement
9.2. Code of Conduct
9.3. Code Conventions and Housekeeping