Spring Cloud Netflix

Table of Contents

1. Service Discovery: Eureka Clients
1.1. How to Include Eureka Client
1.2. Registering with Eureka
1.3. Authenticating with the Eureka Server
1.4. Status Page and Health Indicator
1.5. Registering a Secure Application
1.6. Eureka’s Health Checks
1.7. Eureka Metadata for Instances and Clients
1.7.1. Using Eureka on Cloud Foundry
1.7.2. Using Eureka on AWS
1.7.3. Changing the Eureka Instance ID
1.8. Using the EurekaClient
1.8.1. EurekaClient without Jersey
1.9. Alternatives to the Native Netflix EurekaClient
1.10. Why Is It so Slow to Register a Service?
1.11. Zones
2. Service Discovery: Eureka Server
2.1. How to Include Eureka Server
2.2. How to Run a Eureka Server
2.3. High Availability, Zones and Regions
2.4. Standalone Mode
2.5. Peer Awareness
2.6. When to Prefer IP Address
2.7. Securing The Eureka Server
3. Circuit Breaker: Hystrix Clients
3.1. How to Include Hystrix
3.2. Propagating the Security Context or Using Spring Scopes
3.3. Health Indicator
3.4. Hystrix Metrics Stream
4. Circuit Breaker: Hystrix Dashboard
5. Hystrix Timeouts And Ribbon Clients
5.1. How to Include the Hystrix Dashboard
5.2. Turbine
5.2.1. Clusters Endpoint
5.3. Turbine Stream
6. Client Side Load Balancer: Ribbon
6.1. How to Include Ribbon
6.2. Customizing the Ribbon Client
6.3. Customizing the Default for All Ribbon Clients
6.4. Customizing the Ribbon Client by Setting Properties
6.5. Using Ribbon with Eureka
6.6. Example: How to Use Ribbon Without Eureka
6.7. Example: Disable Eureka Use in Ribbon
6.8. Using the Ribbon API Directly
6.9. Caching of Ribbon Configuration
6.10. How to Configure Hystrix Thread Pools
6.11. How to Provide a Key to Ribbon’s IRule
7. External Configuration: Archaius
8. Router and Filter: Zuul
8.1. How to Include Zuul
8.2. Embedded Zuul Reverse Proxy
8.3. Zuul Http Client
8.4. Cookies and Sensitive Headers
8.5. Ignored Headers
8.6. Management Endpoints
8.6.1. Routes Endpoint
8.6.2. Filters Endpoint
8.7. Strangulation Patterns and Local Forwards
8.8. Uploading Files through Zuul
8.9. Query String Encoding
8.10. Plain Embedded Zuul
8.11. Disable Zuul Filters
8.12. Providing Hystrix Fallbacks For Routes
8.13. Zuul Timeouts
8.14. Rewriting the Location header
8.15. Metrics
8.16. Zuul Developer Guide
8.16.1. The Zuul Servlet
8.16.2. Zuul RequestContext
8.16.3. @EnableZuulProxy vs. @EnableZuulServer
8.16.4. @EnableZuulServer Filters
8.16.5. @EnableZuulProxy Filters
8.16.6. Custom Zuul Filter Examples
How to Write a Pre Filter
How to Write a Route Filter
How to Write a Post Filter
8.16.7. How Zuul Errors Work
8.16.8. Zuul Eager Application Context Loading
9. Polyglot support with Sidecar
10. Retrying Failed Requests
10.1. BackOff Policies
10.2. Configuration
10.2.1. Zuul
11. HTTP Clients