16. Customizing the project

If you want to pick only pieces (e.g. you’re interested only in Cloud Foundry with Concourse combination) it’s enough to execute this command:

$ ./gradlew customize

You’ll see a screen looking more or less like this:

  ___          _              ___ _             _   ___ _           _ _
 / __|_ __ _ _(_)_ _  __ _   / __| |___ _  _ __| | | _ (_)_ __  ___| (_)_ _  ___ ___
 \__ \ '_ \ '_| | ' \/ _` | | (__| / _ \ || / _` | |  _/ | '_ \/ -_) | | ' \/ -_|_-<
 |___/ .__/_| |_|_||_\__, |  \___|_\___/\_,_\__,_| |_| |_| .__/\___|_|_|_||_\___/__/
     |_|             |___/                               |_|

Follow the instructions presented in the console or terminate the process to quit (ctrl + c)

=== PAAS TYPE ===
Which PAAS type do you want to use? Options: [CF, K8S, BOTH]
<-------------> 0% EXECUTING
> :customize

Now you need to answer a couple of questions. That way whole files and its pieces will get removed / updated accordingly. If you provide CF and Concourse options thn Kubernetes and Jenkins configuration / folders / pieces of code in the project will get removed.