10. Jenkins FAQ

Below you can find the answers to most frequently asked questions.

10.1 Pipeline version contains ${PIPELINE_VERSION}

You can check the Jenkins logs and you’ll see

WARNING: Skipped parameter `PIPELINE_VERSION` as it is undefined on `jenkins-pipeline-sample-build`.
	Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters`=true to allow undefined parameters
	to be injected as environment variables or
	`-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]`
	to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach

To fix it you have to do exactly what the warning suggests…​ Also ensure that the Groovy token macro processing checkbox is set.

10.2 Pipeline version is not passed to the build

You can see that the Jenkins version is properly set but in the build version is still snapshot and the echo "${PIPELINE_VERSION}" doesn’t print anything.

You can check the Jenkins logs and you’ll see

WARNING: Skipped parameter `PIPELINE_VERSION` as it is undefined on `jenkins-pipeline-sample-build`.
	Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters`=true to allow undefined parameters
	to be injected as environment variables or
	`-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]`
	to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach

To fix it you have to do exactly what the warning suggests…​

10.3 The build times out with pipeline.sh info

Docker compose, docker compose, docker compose…​ The problem is that for some reason, only in Docker, the execution of Java hangs. But it hangs randomly and only the first time you try to execute the pipeline.

The solution to this is to run the pipeline again. If once it suddenly, magically passes then it will pass for any subsequent build.

Another thing that you can try is to run it with plain Docker. Maybe that will help.

10.4 Can I use the pipeline for some other repos?

Sure! you can pass REPOS variable with comma separated list of project_name$project_url format. If you don’t provide the PROJECT_NAME the repo name will be extracted and used as the name of the project.

E.g. for REPOS equal to:


will result in the creation of pipelines with root names github-analytics and github-webhook.

E.g. for REPOS equal to:


will result in the creation of pipelines with root names foo for github-analytics and bar for github-webhook.

10.5 Will this work for ANY project out of the box?

Not really. This is an opinionated pipeline that’s why we took some opinionated decisions like:

  • usage of Spring Cloud, Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner and Spring Cloud Eureka
  • application deployment to Cloud Foundry
  • For Maven:

    • usage of Maven Wrapper
    • artifacts deployment by ./mvnw clean deploy
    • stubrunner.ids property to retrieve list of collaborators for which stubs should be downloaded
    • running smoke tests on a deployed app via the smoke Maven profile
    • running end to end tests on a deployed app via the e2e Maven profile
  • For Gradle (in the github-analytics application check the gradle/pipeline.gradle file):

    • usage of Gradlew Wrapper
    • deploy task for artifacts deployment
    • running smoke tests on a deployed app via the smoke task
    • running end to end tests on a deployed app via the e2e task
    • groupId task to retrieve group id
    • artifactId task to retrieve artifact id
    • currentVersion task to retrieve the current version
    • stubIds task to retrieve list of collaborators for which stubs should be downloaded

This is the initial approach that can be easily changed in the future.

10.6 Can I modify this to reuse in my project?

Sure! It’s open-source! The important thing is that the core part of the logic is written in Bash scripts. That way, in the majority of cases, you could change only the bash scripts without changing the whole pipeline.

10.7 The rollback step fails due to missing JAR ?!

You must have pushed some tags and have removed the Artifactory volume that contained them. To fix this, just remove the tags

git tag -l | xargs -n 1 git push --delete origin

10.8 I want to provide a different JDK version

  • by default we assume that you have jdk with id jdk8 configured
  • if you want a different one just override JDK_VERSION env var and point to the proper one

The docker image comes in with Java installed at /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64. You can go to Global Tools and create a JDK with jdk8 id and JAVA_HOME pointing to /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64

To change the default one just follow these steps:


Figure 10.1. Click 'Manage Jenkins'

manage jenkins


Figure 10.2. Click 'Global Tool'

global tool


Figure 10.3. Click 'JDK Installations'

jdk installation


Figure 10.4. Fill out JDK Installation with path to your JDK



And that’s it!

10.9 Enable Groovy Token Macro Processing

With scripted that but if you needed to this manually then this is how to do it:


Figure 10.5. Click 'Manage Jenkins'

manage jenkins


Figure 10.6. Click 'Configure System'

configure system


Figure 10.7. Click 'Allow token macro processing'

groovy token

10.10 I want deployment to stage and prod be automatic

No problem, just set the property / env var to true

  • AUTO_DEPLOY_TO_STAGE to automatically deploy to stage
  • AUTO_DEPLOY_TO_PROD to automatically deploy to prod

10.11 I don’t want to test API compativility

No problem, just set the API_COMPATIBILITY_STEP_REQUIRED env variable to false and rerun the seed (you can pick it from the seed job’s properties too).

10.12 I can’t tag the repo!

When you get sth like this:

19:01:44 stderr: remote: Invalid username or password.
19:01:44 fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://github.com/marcingrzejszczak/github-webhook/'
19:01:44 	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CliGitAPIImpl.launchCommandIn(CliGitAPIImpl.java:1740)
19:01:44 	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CliGitAPIImpl.launchCommandWithCredentials(CliGitAPIImpl.java:1476)
19:01:44 	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CliGitAPIImpl.access$300(CliGitAPIImpl.java:63)
19:01:44 	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CliGitAPIImpl$8.execute(CliGitAPIImpl.java:1816)
19:01:44 	at hudson.plugins.git.GitPublisher.perform(GitPublisher.java:295)
19:01:44 	at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$3.perform(BuildStepMonitor.java:45)
19:01:44 	at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(AbstractBuild.java:779)
19:01:44 	at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.performAllBuildSteps(AbstractBuild.java:720)
19:01:44 	at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.post2(Build.java:185)
19:01:44 	at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.post(AbstractBuild.java:665)
19:01:44 	at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1745)
19:01:44 	at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:43)
19:01:44 	at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:98)
19:01:44 	at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:404)

most likely you’ve passed a wrong password. Check the credentials section on how to update your credentials.

10.13 I’m unauthorized to deploy infrastructure jars

Most likely you’ve forgotten to update your local settings.xml with the Artifactory’s setup. Check out this section of the docs and update your settings.xml.

10.14 Signing Artifacts

In some cases it may be required that when performing a release that the artifacts be signed before pushing them to the repository. To do this you will need to import your GPG keys into the Docker image running Jenkins. This can be done by placing a file called public.key containing your public key and a file called private.key containing your private key in the seed directory. These keys will be imported by the init.groovy script that is run when Jenkins starts.

10.15 Using SSH keys for git

The seed job checks if an env variable GIT_USE_SSH_KEY is set to true. If that’s the case then env variable GIT_SSH_CREDENTIAL_ID will be chosen as the one that contains the id of the credential that contains SSH private key. By default GIT_CREDENTIAL_ID will be picked as the one that contains username and password to connect to git.

You can set these values in the seed job by filling out the form / toggling a checkbox.

10.16 Deploy to stage fails and doesn’t redeploy a service (Kubernetes)

There can be a number of reason but remember that for stage we assume that a sequence of manual steps need to be performed. We don’t redeploy any existing services cause most likely you deliberately have set it up in that way or the other. If in the logs of your application you can see that you can’t connect to a service, first ensure that the service is forwarding traffic to a pod. Next if that’s not the case please delete the service and re-run the step in the pipeline. That way Spring Cloud Pipelines will redeploy the service and the underlying pods.

10.17 I ran out of resources!! (Cloud Foundry)

[jenkins-cf-resources]] When deploying the app to stage or prod you can get an exception Insufficient resources. The way to solve it is to kill some apps from test / stage env. To achieve that just call

cf target -o pcfdev-org -s pcfdev-test
cf stop github-webhook
cf stop github-eureka
cf stop stubrunner

You can also execute ./tools/cf-helper.sh kill-all-apps that will remove all demo-related apps deployed to PCF Dev.

10.18 Deploying to test / stage / prod fails - error finding space (Cloud Foundry)

If you receive a similar exception:

20:26:18 API endpoint:   https://api.local.pcfdev.io (API version: 2.58.0)
20:26:18 User:           user
20:26:18 Org:            pcfdev-org
20:26:18 Space:          No space targeted, use 'cf target -s SPACE'
20:26:18 FAILED
20:26:18 Error finding space pcfdev-test
20:26:18 Space pcfdev-test not found

It means that you’ve forgotten to create the spaces in your PCF Dev installation.

10.19 The route is already in use (Cloud Foundry)

If you play around with Jenkins / Concourse you might end up with the routes occupied

Using route github-webhook-test.local.pcfdev.io
Binding github-webhook-test.local.pcfdev.io to github-webhook...
The route github-webhook-test.local.pcfdev.io is already in use.

Just delete the routes

yes | cf delete-route local.pcfdev.io -n github-webhook-test
yes | cf delete-route local.pcfdev.io -n github-eureka-test
yes | cf delete-route local.pcfdev.io -n stubrunner-test
yes | cf delete-route local.pcfdev.io -n github-webhook-stage
yes | cf delete-route local.pcfdev.io -n github-eureka-stage
yes | cf delete-route local.pcfdev.io -n github-webhook-prod
yes | cf delete-route local.pcfdev.io -n github-eureka-prod

You can also execute the ./tools/cf-helper.sh delete-routes

10.20 How to execute helper scripts against a real CF instance I’m logged into (Cloud Foundry)

Assuming that you’re already logged into the cluster it’s enough to run the helper script with the REUSE_CF_LOGIN=true env variable. Example:

REUSE_CF_LOGIN=true ./tools/cf-helper.sh setup-prod-infra

This script will create the mysql db, rabbit mq service, download and deploy Eureka to the space and organization you’re logged into.