10. Sending spans to Zipkin


spring-cloud-sleuth-stream is deprecated and should no longer be used. If spring-cloud-sleuth-zipkin is on the classpath then the app will generate and collect Zipkin-compatible traces. By default it sends them via HTTP to a Zipkin server on localhost (port 9411). If you depend on spring-rabbit or spring-kafka your app will send traces to a broker instead of http.

By default if you add spring-cloud-starter-zipkin as a dependency to your project, when the span is closed, it will be sent to Zipkin over HTTP. The communication is asynchronous. You can configure the URL by setting the spring.zipkin.baseUrl property as follows:


If you want to find Zipkin via service discovery it’s enough to pass the Zipkin’s service id inside the URL (example for zipkinserver service id)

spring.zipkin.baseUrl: http://zipkinserver/

If you have web, rabbit or kafka together on the classpath, you might need to pick the means by which you would like to send spans to zipkin. To do that just set either web, rabbit or kafka to the spring.zipkin.sender.type property. Example for web:

spring.zipkin.sender.type: web