Spring Cloud Stream Kafka Binder Reference Guide

Sabby Anandan, Marius Bogoevici, Eric Bottard, Mark Fisher, Ilayaperumal Gopinathan, Gunnar Hillert, Mark Pollack, Patrick Peralta, Glenn Renfro, Thomas Risberg, Dave Syer, David Turanski, Janne Valkealahti, Benjamin Klein, Henryk Konsek, Gary Russell

Table of Contents

I. Reference Guide
1. Apache Kafka Binder
1.1. Usage
1.2. Overview
1.3. Configuration Options
1.3.1. Kafka Binder Properties
1.3.2. Kafka Consumer Properties
1.3.3. Kafka Producer Properties
1.3.4. Usage examples
Example: Setting autoCommitOffset to false and Relying on Manual Acking
Example: Security Configuration
Example: Pausing and Resuming the Consumer
1.4. Error Channels
1.5. Kafka Metrics
1.6. Tombstone Records (null record values)
1.7. Using a KafkaRebalanceListener
1.8. Dead-Letter Topic Processing
1.9. Partitioning with the Kafka Binder
2. Kafka Streams Binder
2.1. Usage
2.2. Overview
2.2.1. Streams DSL
2.3. Configuration Options
2.3.1. Kafka Streams Properties
2.3.2. TimeWindow properties:
2.4. Multiple Input Bindings
2.4.1. Multiple Input Bindings as a Sink
2.5. Multiple Input Bindings as a Processor
2.6. Multiple Output Bindings (aka Branching)
2.7. Record Value Conversion
2.7.1. Outbound serialization
2.7.2. Inbound Deserialization
2.8. Error Handling
2.9. Handling Deserialization Exceptions
2.9.1. Handling Non-Deserialization Exceptions
2.10. State Store
2.11. Interactive Queries
2.12. Accessing the underlying KafkaStreams object
2.13. State Cleanup
II. Appendices
A. Building
A.1. Basic Compile and Test
A.2. Documentation
A.3. Working with the code
A.3.1. Importing into eclipse with m2eclipse
A.3.2. Importing into eclipse without m2eclipse
A.4. Sign the Contributor License Agreement
A.5. Code Conventions and Housekeeping