Table of Contents
Cloud Native is a style of application development that encourages easy adoption of best practices in the areas of continuous delivery and value-driven development. A related discipline is that of building 12-factor Apps in which development practices are aligned with delivery and operations goals, for instance by using declarative programming and management and monitoring. Spring Cloud facilitates these styles of development in a number of specific ways and the starting point is a set of features that all components in a distributed system either need or need easy access to when required.
Many of those features are covered by Spring Boot, which we build on in Spring Cloud. Some more are delivered by Spring Cloud as two libraries: Spring Cloud Context and Spring Cloud Commons. Spring Cloud Context provides utilities and special services for the ApplicationContext
of a Spring Cloud application (bootstrap context, encryption, refresh scope and environment endpoints). Spring Cloud Commons is a set of abstractions and common classes used in different Spring Cloud implementations (eg. Spring Cloud Netflix vs. Spring Cloud Consul).
If you are getting an exception due to "Illegal key size" and you are using Sun’s JDK, you need to install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files. See the following links for more information:
Extract files into JDK/jre/lib/security folder (whichever version of JRE/JDK x64/x86 you are using).
![]() | Note |
Spring Cloud is released under the non-restrictive Apache 2.0 license. If you would like to contribute to this section of the documentation or if you find an error, please find the source code and issue trackers in the project at github. |
Spring Boot has an opinionated view of how to build an application with Spring: for instance it has conventional locations for common configuration file, and endpoints for common management and monitoring tasks. Spring Cloud builds on top of that and adds a few features that probably all components in a system would use or occasionally need.
A Spring Cloud application operates by creating a "bootstrap"
context, which is a parent context for the main application. Out of
the box it is responsible for loading configuration properties from
the external sources, and also decrypting properties in the local
external configuration files. The two contexts share an Environment
which is the source of external properties for any Spring
application. Bootstrap properties (not
but properties
that are loaded during the bootstrap phase) are added with high precedence, so
they cannot be overridden by local configuration, by default.
The bootstrap context uses a different convention for locating
external configuration than the main application context, so instead
of application.yml
(or .properties
) you use bootstrap.yml
keeping the external configuration for bootstrap and main context
nicely separate. Example:
spring: application: name: foo cloud: config: uri: ${SPRING_CONFIG_URI:http://localhost:8888}
It is a good idea to set the
or application.yml
) if your application needs any
application-specific configuration from the server.
You can disable the bootstrap process completely by setting
(e.g. in System properties).
If you build an application context from SpringApplication
, then the Bootstrap context is added as a
parent to that context. It is a feature of Spring that child contexts
inherit property sources and profiles from their parent, so the "main"
application context will contain additional property sources, compared
to building the same context without Spring Cloud Config. The
additional property sources are:
appears with high
priority if any PropertySourceLocators
are found in the Bootstrap
context, and they have non-empty properties. An example would be
properties from the Spring Cloud Config Server. See
below for instructions
on how to customize the contents of this property source.bootstrap.yml
properties) then those properties are used to configure the Bootstrap
context, and then they get added to the child context when its parent
is set. They have lower precedence than the application.yml
properties) and any other property sources that are added to the child
as a normal part of the process of creating a Spring Boot
application. See below for
instructions on how to customize the contents of these property
sources.Because of the ordering rules of property sources the "bootstrap"
entries take precedence, but note that these do not contain any data
from bootstrap.yml
, which has very low precedence, but can be used
to set defaults.
You can extend the context hierarchy by simply setting the parent
context of any ApplicationContext
you create, e.g. using its own
interface, or with the SpringApplicationBuilder
convenience methods
, child()
and sibling()
). The bootstrap context will be
the parent of the most senior ancestor that you create yourself.
Every context in the hierarchy will have its own "bootstrap" property
source (possibly empty) to avoid promoting values inadvertently from
parents down to their descendants. Every context in the hierarchy can
also (in principle) have a different
hence a different remote property source if there is a Config
Server. Normal Spring application context behaviour rules apply to
property resolution: properties from a child context override those in
the parent, by name and also by property source name (if the child has
a property source with the same name as the parent, the one from the
parent is not included in the child).
Note that the SpringApplicationBuilder
allows you to share an
amongst the whole hierarchy, but that is not the
default. Thus, sibling contexts in particular do not need to have the
same profiles or property sources, even though they will share common
things with their parent.
The bootstrap.yml
(or .properties
) location can be specified using
(default "bootstrap") or
(default empty), e.g. in System
properties. Those properties behave like the spring.config.*
variants with the same name, in fact they are used to set up the
bootstrap ApplicationContext
by setting those properties in its
. If there is an active profile (from
or through the Environment
API in the
context you are building) then properties in that profile will be
loaded as well, just like in a regular Spring Boot app, e.g. from
for a "development" profile.
The property sources that are added to you application by the
bootstrap context are often "remote" (e.g. from a Config Server), and
by default they cannot be overridden locally, except on the command
line. If you want to allow your applications to override the remote
properties with their own System properties or config files, the
remote property source has to grant it permission by setting
(it doesn’t work to set this
locally). Once that flag is set there are some finer grained settings
to control the location of the remote properties in relation to System
properties and the application’s local configuration:
to override with any local
property source, and
if only System
properties and env vars should override the remote settings, but not
the local config files.
The bootstrap context can be trained to do anything you like by adding
entries to /META-INF/spring.factories
under the key
. This is
a comma-separated list of Spring @Configuration
classes which will
be used to create the context. Any beans that you want to be available
to the main application context for autowiring can be created here,
and also there is a special contract for @Beans
of type
. Classes can be marked with an @Order
if you want to control the startup sequence (the default order is
![]() | Warning |
Be careful when adding custom |
The bootstrap process ends by injecting initializers into the main
instance (i.e. the normal Spring Boot startup
sequence, whether it is running as a standalone app or deployed in an
application server). First a bootstrap context is created from the
classes found in spring.factories
and then all @Beans
of type
are added to the main
before it is started.
The default property source for external configuration added by the
bootstrap process is the Config Server, but you can add additional
sources by adding beans of type PropertySourceLocator
to the
bootstrap context (via spring.factories
). You could use this to
insert additional properties from a different server, or from a
database, for instance.
As an example, consider the following trivial custom locator:
@Configuration public class CustomPropertySourceLocator implements PropertySourceLocator { @Override public PropertySource<?> locate(Environment environment) { return new MapPropertySource("customProperty", Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap("property.from.sample.custom.source", "worked as intended")); } }
The Environment
that is passed in is the one for the
about to be created, i.e. the one that we are
supplying additional property sources for. It will already have its
normal Spring Boot-provided property sources, so you can use those to
locate a property source specific to this Environment
(e.g. by
keying it on the
, as is done in the default
Config Server property source locator).
If you create a jar with this class in it and then add a
then the "customProperty" PropertySource
will show up in any
application that includes that jar on its classpath.
If you are going to use Spring Boot to configure log settings than you should place this configuration in `bootstrap.[yml | properties] if you would like it to apply to all events.
The application will listen for an EnvironmentChangeEvent
and react
to the change in a couple of standard ways (additional
can be added as @Beans
by the user in the
normal way). When an EnvironmentChangeEvent
is observed it will
have a list of key values that have changed, and the application will
use those to:
beans in the contextlogging.level.*
Note that the Config Client does not by default poll for changes in
the Environment
, and generally we would not recommend that approach
for detecting changes (although you could set it up with a
annotation). If you have a scaled-out client application
then it is better to broadcast the EnvironmentChangeEvent
to all
the instances instead of having them polling for changes (e.g. using
the Spring Cloud
The EnvironmentChangeEvent
covers a large class of refresh use
cases, as long as you can actually make a change to the Environment
and publish the event (those APIs are public and part of core
Spring). You can verify the changes are bound to
beans by visiting the /configprops
endpoint (normal Spring Boot Actuator feature). For instance a
can have its maxPoolSize
changed at runtime (the
default DataSource
created by Spring Boot is an
bean) and grow capacity
dynamically. Re-binding @ConfigurationProperties
does not cover
another large class of use cases, where you need more control over the
refresh, and where you need a change to be atomic over the whole
. To address those concerns we have
A Spring @Bean
that is marked as @RefreshScope
will get special
treatment when there is a configuration change. This addresses the
problem of stateful beans that only get their configuration injected
when they are initialized. For instance if a DataSource
has open
connections when the database URL is changed via the Environment
, we
probably want the holders of those connections to be able to complete
what they are doing. Then the next time someone borrows a connection
from the pool he gets one with the new URL.
Refresh scope beans are lazy proxies that initialize when they are used (i.e. when a method is called), and the scope acts as a cache of initialized values. To force a bean to re-initialize on the next method call you just need to invalidate its cache entry.
The RefreshScope
is a bean in the context and it has a public method
to refresh all beans in the scope by clearing the
target cache. There is also a refresh(String)
method to refresh an
individual bean by name. This functionality is exposed in the
endpoint (over HTTP or JMX).
![]() | Note |
Spring Cloud has an Environment
pre-processor for decrypting
property values locally. It follows the same rules as the Config
Server, and has the same external configuration via encrypt.*
. Thus
you can use encrypted values in the form {cipher}*
and as long as
there is a valid key then they will be decrypted before the main
application context gets the Environment
. To use the encryption
features in an application you need to include Spring Security RSA in
your classpath (Maven co-ordinates
"") and you also need
the full strength JCE extensions in your JVM.
If you are getting an exception due to "Illegal key size" and you are using Sun’s JDK, you need to install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files. See the following links for more information:
Extract files into JDK/jre/lib/security folder (whichever version of JRE/JDK x64/x86 you are using).
For a Spring Boot Actuator application there are some additional management endpoints:
to update the Environment
and rebind @ConfigurationProperties
and log levels/refresh
for re-loading the boot strap context and refreshing the @RefreshScope
for closing the ApplicationContext
and restarting it (disabled by default)/pause
and /resume
for calling the Lifecycle
methods (stop()
and start()
on the ApplicationContext
)![]() | Note |
If you disable the |
Patterns such as service discovery, load balancing and circuit breakers lend themselves to a common abstraction layer that can be consumed by all Spring Cloud clients, independent of the implementation (e.g. discovery via Eureka or Consul).
Commons provides the @EnableDiscoveryClient
annotation. This looks for implementations of the DiscoveryClient
interface via META-INF/spring.factories
. Implementations of Discovery Client will add a configuration class to spring.factories
under the
key. Examples of DiscoveryClient
implementations: are Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka, Spring Cloud Consul Discovery and Spring Cloud Zookeeper Discovery.
By default, implementations of DiscoveryClient
will auto-register the local Spring Boot server with the remote discovery server. This can be disabled by setting autoRegister=false
in @EnableDiscoveryClient
![]() | Note |
The use of |
Commons creates a Spring Boot HealthIndicator
that DiscoveryClient
implementations can participate in by implementing DiscoveryHealthIndicator
. To disable the composite HealthIndicator
. A generic HealthIndicator
based on DiscoveryClient
is auto-configured (DiscoveryClientHealthIndicator). To disable it, set `
. To disable the description field of the DiscoveryClientHealthIndicator
, otherwise it can bubble up as the description
of the rolled up HealthIndicator
Commons now provides a ServiceRegistry
interface which provides methods like register(Registration)
and deregister(Registration)
which allow you to provide custom registered services. Registration
is a marker interface.
@Configuration @EnableDiscoveryClient(autoRegister=false) public class MyConfiguration { private ServiceRegistry registry; public MyConfiguration(ServiceRegistry registry) { this.registry = registry; } // called via some external process, such as an event or a custom actuator endpoint public void register() { Registration registration = constructRegistration(); this.registry.register(registration); } }
Each ServiceRegistry
implementation has its own Registry
used with ZookeeperServiceRegistry
used with EurekaServiceRegistry
used with ConsulServiceRegistry
If you are using the ServiceRegistry
interface, you are going to need to pass the
correct Registry
implementation for the ServiceRegistry
implementation you
are using.
By default, the ServiceRegistry
implementation will auto-register the running service. To disable that behavior, there are two methods. You can set @EnableDiscoveryClient(autoRegister=false)
to permanently disable auto-registration. You can also set
to disable the behavior via configuration.
A /service-registry
actuator endpoint is provided by Commons. This endpoint relys on a Registration
bean in the Spring Application Context. Calling /service-registry/instance-status
via a GET will return the status of the Registration
. A POST to the same endpoint with a String
body will change the status of the current Registration
to the new value. Please see the documentation of the ServiceRegistry
implementation you are using for the allowed values for updating the status and the values retured for the status.
can be automatically configured to use ribbon. To create a load balanced RestTemplate
create a RestTemplate
and use the @LoadBalanced
![]() | Warning |
A |
@Configuration public class MyConfiguration { @LoadBalanced @Bean RestTemplate restTemplate() { return new RestTemplate(); } } public class MyClass { @Autowired private RestTemplate restTemplate; public String doOtherStuff() { String results = restTemplate.getForObject("http://stores/stores", String.class); return results; } }
The URI needs to use a virtual host name (ie. service name, not a host name).
The Ribbon client is used to create a full physical address. See
for details of how the RestTemplate
is set up.
A load balanced RestTemplate
can be configured to retry failed requests.
By default this logic is disabled, you can enable it by adding Spring Retry to your application’s classpath. The load balanced RestTemplate
honor some of the Ribbon configuration values related to retrying failed requests. If
you would like to disable the retry logic with Spring Retry on the classpath
you can set
The properties you can use are client.ribbon.MaxAutoRetries
, and client.ribbon.OkToRetryOnAllOperations
See the Ribbon documentation
for a description of what there properties do.
If you would like to implement a BackOffPolicy
in your retries you will need to
create a bean of type LoadBalancedBackOffPolicyFactory
, and return the BackOffPolicy
you would like to use for a given service.
@Configuration public class MyConfiguration { @Bean LoadBalancedBackOffPolicyFactory backOffPolciyFactory() { return new LoadBalancedBackOffPolicyFactory() { @Override public BackOffPolicy createBackOffPolicy(String service) { return new ExponentialBackOffPolicy(); } }; } }
![]() | Note |
If you want to add one or more RetryListener
to your retry you will need to
create a bean of type LoadBalancedRetryListenerFactory
and return the RetryListener
you would like to use for a given service.
@Configuration public class MyConfiguration { @Bean LoadBalancedRetryListenerFactory retryListenerFactory() { return new LoadBalancedRetryListenerFactory() { @Override public RetryListener[] createRetryListeners(String service) { return new RetryListener[]{new RetryListener() { @Override public <T, E extends Throwable> boolean open(RetryContext context, RetryCallback<T, E> callback) { //TODO Do you business... return true; } @Override public <T, E extends Throwable> void close(RetryContext context, RetryCallback<T, E> callback, Throwable throwable) { //TODO Do you business... } @Override public <T, E extends Throwable> void onError(RetryContext context, RetryCallback<T, E> callback, Throwable throwable) { //TODO Do you business... } }}; } }; } }
If you want a RestTemplate
that is not load balanced, create a RestTemplate
bean and inject it as normal. To access the load balanced RestTemplate
the @LoadBalanced
qualifier when you create your @Bean
![]() | Important |
Notice the |
@Configuration public class MyConfiguration { @LoadBalanced @Bean RestTemplate loadBalanced() { return new RestTemplate(); } @Primary @Bean RestTemplate restTemplate() { return new RestTemplate(); } } public class MyClass { @Autowired private RestTemplate restTemplate; @Autowired @LoadBalanced private RestTemplate loadBalanced; public String doOtherStuff() { return loadBalanced.getForObject("http://stores/stores", String.class); } public String doStuff() { return restTemplate.getForObject("", String.class); } }
![]() | Tip |
If you see errors like |
Sometimes it is useful to ignore certain named network interfaces so they can be excluded from Service Discovery registration (eg. running in a Docker container). A list of regular expressions can be set that will cause the desired network interfaces to be ignored. The following configuration will ignore the "docker0" interface and all interfaces that start with "veth".
spring: cloud: inetutils: ignoredInterfaces: - docker0 - veth.*
You can also force to use only specified network addresses using list of regular expressions:
spring: cloud: inetutils: preferredNetworks: - 192.168 - 10.0
You can also force to use only site local addresses. See Inet4Address.html.isSiteLocalAddress() for more details what is site local address.
spring: cloud: inetutils: useOnlySiteLocalInterfaces: true
Spring Cloud Commons provides beans for creating both Apache HTTP clients (ApacheHttpClientFactory
as well as OK HTTP clients (OkHttpClientFactory
). The OkHttpClientFactory
bean will only be created
if the OK HTTP jar is on the classpath. In addition, Spring Cloud Commons provides beans for creating
the connection managers used by both clients, ApacheHttpClientConnectionManagerFactory
for the Apache
HTTP client and OkHttpClientConnectionPoolFactory
for the OK HTTP client. You can provide
your own implementation of these beans if you would like to customize how the HTTP clients are created
in downstream projects. You can also disable the creation of these beans by setting
Due to the fact that some users have problem with setting up Spring Cloud application, we’ve decided to add a compatibility verification mechanism. It will break if your current setup is not compatible with Spring Cloud requirements, together with a report, showing what exactly went wrong.
At the moment we verify which version of Spring Boot is added to your classpath.
Example of a report
*************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START *************************** Description: Your project setup is incompatible with our requirements due to following reasons: - Spring Boot [1.5.16.RELEASE] is not compatible with this Spring Cloud release train Action: Consider applying the following actions: - Change Spring Boot version to one of the following versions [1.2.x, 1.3.x] . You can find the latest Spring Boot versions here []. If you want to learn more about the Spring Cloud Release train compatibility, you can visit this page [] and check the [Release Trains] section.
In order to disable this feature, set
to false
If you want to override the compatible Spring Boot versions, just set the
property with a comma separated list
of compatible Spring Boot versions.