14. Building the project

14.1 Prerequisites

As prerequisites you need to have shellcheck, bats, jq and ruby installed. If you’re on a Linux machine then bats and shellcheck will be installed for you.

To install the required software on Linux just type the following commands

$ sudo apt-get install -y ruby jq

If you’re on a Mac then just execute these commands to install the missing software

$ brew install jq
$ brew install ruby
$ brew install bats
$ brew install shellcheck

14.2 Bats submodules

To make bats work properly we needed to attach Git submodules. To have them initialized either clone with appropriate command

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-pipelines.git

or if you have already cloned the project and are just pulling changes

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

If you forget about this step, then Gradle will execute these steps for you.

14.3 Build and test

Once you have installed all the prerequisites you can execute

$ ./gradlew clean build

to build and test the project.

14.4 Generate docs

To generate docs just run

$ ./gradlew generateDocs

14.5 Making a release

It’s enough to execute the release task that will automatically change the versions, build the docs, upload them to Spring Cloud Static, tag the repo and then revert the changed versions back to default.

$ ./gradlew release -PnewVersion=1.0.0.RELEASE