8. Jenkins Pipeline (Cloud Foundry)


In this chapter we assume that you perform deployment of your application to Cloud Foundry PaaS

The Spring Cloud Pipelines repository contains job definitions and the opinionated setup pipeline using Jenkins Job DSL plugin. Those jobs will form an empty pipeline and a sample, opinionated one that you can use in your company.

All in all there are the following projects taking part in the whole microservice setup for this demo.

8.1 Step by step

This is a guide for Jenkins Job DSL based pipeline.

If you want to just run the demo as far as possible using PCF Dev and Docker Compose

8.1.1 Fork repos

There are 4 apps that are composing the pipeline

You need to fork only these. That’s because only then will your user be able to tag and push the tag to repo.

8.1.2 Start Jenkins and Artifactory

Jenkins + Artifactory can be ran locally. To do that just execute the start.sh script from this repo.

git clone https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-pipelines
cd spring-cloud-pipelines/jenkins
./start.sh yourGitUsername yourGitPassword yourForkedGithubOrg

Then Jenkins will be running on port 8080 and Artifactory 8081. The provided parameters will be passed as env variables to Jenkins VM and credentials will be set in your set. That way you don’t have to do any manual work on the Jenkins side. In the above parameters, the third parameter could be yourForkedGithubOrg or yourGithubUsername. Also the REPOS env variable will contain your GitHub org in which you have the forked repos.

Instead of the Git username and password parameters you could pass -key <path_to_private_key> if you prefer to use the key-based authentication with your Git repositories.

Deploy the infra JARs to Artifactory

When Artifactory is running, just execute the tools/deploy-infra.sh script from this repo.

git clone https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-pipelines
cd spring-cloud-pipelines/

As a result both eureka and stub runner repos will be cloned, built and uploaded to Artifactory.

8.1.3 Start PCF Dev


You can skip this step if you have CF installed and don’t want to use PCF Dev The only thing you have to do is to set up spaces.


It’s more than likely that you’ll run out of resources when you reach stage step. Don’t worry! Keep calm and clear some apps from PCF Dev and continue.

You have to download and start PCF Dev. A link how to do it is available here.

The default credentials when using PCF Dev are:

username: user
password: pass
email: user
org: pcfdev-org
space: pcfdev-space
api: api.local.pcfdev.io

You can start the PCF Dev like this:

cf dev start

You’ll have to create 3 separate spaces (email admin, pass admin)

cf login -a https://api.local.pcfdev.io --skip-ssl-validation -u admin -p admin -o pcfdev-org

cf create-space pcfdev-test
cf set-space-role user pcfdev-org pcfdev-test SpaceDeveloper
cf create-space pcfdev-stage
cf set-space-role user pcfdev-org pcfdev-stage SpaceDeveloper
cf create-space pcfdev-prod
cf set-space-role user pcfdev-org pcfdev-prod SpaceDeveloper

You can also execute the ./tools/cf-helper.sh setup-spaces to do this.

8.1.4 Run the seed job

We already create the seed job for you but you’ll have to run it. When you do run it you have to provide some properties. By default we create a seed that has all the properties options, but you can delete most of it. If you set the properties as global env variables you have to remove them from the seed.

Anyways, to run the demo just provide in the REPOS var the comma separated list of URLs of the 2 aforementioned forks of github-webhook and `github-analytics'.


Figure 8.1. Click the 'jenkins-pipeline-seed-cf' job for Cloud Foundry and jenkins-pipeline-seed-k8s for Kubernetes

seed click


Figure 8.2. Click the 'Build with parameters'

seed run


Figure 8.3. The REPOS parameter should already contain your forked repos (you’ll have more properties than the ones in the screenshot)



Figure 8.4. This is how the results of seed should look like

seed built

8.1.5 Run the github-webhook pipeline

We already create the seed job for you but you’ll have to run it. When you do run it you have to provide some properties. By default we create a seed that has all the properties options, but you can delete most of it. If you set the properties as global env variables you have to remove them from the seed.

Anyways, to run the demo just provide in the REPOS var the comma separated list of URLs of the 2 aforementioned forks of github-webhook and github-analytics.


Figure 8.5. Click the 'github-webhook' view

seed views


Figure 8.6. Run the pipeline

pipeline run



If your build fails on the deploy previous version to stage due to missing jar, that means that you’ve forgotten to clear the tags in your repo. Typically that’s due to the fact that you’ve removed the Artifactory volume with deployed JAR whereas a tag in the repo is still pointing there. Check out this section on how to remove the tag.


Figure 8.7. Click the manual step to go to stage (remember about killing the apps on test env). To do this click the ARROW next to the job name

pipeline manual



Most likely you will run out of memory so when reaching the stage environment it’s good to kill all apps on test. Check out the FAQ section for more details!


Figure 8.8. The full pipeline should look like this

pipeline finished


8.2 Declarative pipeline & Blue Ocean

You can also use the declarative pipeline approach with the Blue Ocean UI. Here is a step by step guide to run a pipeline via this approach.

The Blue Ocean UI is available under the blue/ URL. E.g. for Docker Machine based setup


Figure 8.9. Open Blue Ocean UI and click on github-webhook-declarative-pipeline

blue 1


Figure 8.10. Your first run will look like this. Click Run button

blue 2


Figure 8.11. Enter parameters required for the build and click run

blue 3


Figure 8.12. A list of pipelines will be shown. Click your first run.

blue 4


Figure 8.13. State if you want to go to production or not and click Proceed

blue 5


Figure 8.14. The build is in progress…​

blue 6


Figure 8.15. The pipeline is done!

blue 7



There is no possibility of restarting pipeline from specific stage, after failure. Please check out this issue for more information


Currently there is no way to introduce manual steps in a performant way. Jenkins is blocking an executor when manual step is required. That means that you’ll run out of executors pretty fast. You can check out this issue for and this StackOverflow question for more information.

8.3 Jenkins Cloud Foundry customization

 All the steps below are not necessary to run the demo. They are needed only
when you want to do some custom changes.

8.3.1 All env vars

The env vars that are used in all of the jobs are as follows:

Property NameProperty DescriptionDefault value


Extension of the binary uploaded to Artifactory / Nexus. Example: change this to war for WAR artifacts



The URL to the CF Api for TEST env



The URL to the CF Api for STAGE env



The URL to the CF Api for PROD env



Name of the org for the test env



Prefix of the name of the CF space for the test env to which the app name will be appended



Name of the org for the stage env



Name of the space for the stage env



Name of the org for the prod env



Name of the space for the prod env



URL to repo with the deployed jars



The id of server from Maven settings.xml



The name of the JDK installation



What should be the version of the pipeline (ultimately also version of the jar)

1.0.0.M1-${GROOVY,script ="new Date().format('yyMMdd_HHmmss')"}-VERSION


The email used by Git to tag repo

[email protected]


The name used by Git to tag repo

Pivo Tal


Additional suffix for the route. In a shared environment the default routes can be already taken



Should deployment to stage be automatic



Should deployment to prod be automatic



Should api compatibility step be required



Should DB rollback step be present



Should deploy to stage step be present



The URL to the Java buildpack to be used by CF



Additional options you would like to pass to the Maven / Gradle build


8.3.2 Jenkins Credentials

In your scripts we reference the credentials via IDs. These are the defaults for credentials

Property NameProperty DescriptionDefault value


Credential ID for CF Prod env access



Credential ID used to tag a git repo



SSH credential ID used to tag a git repo



if true will pick to use the SSH credential id



Credential ID used for the repo with jars



Credential ID for CF Test env access



Credential ID for CF Stage env access


If you already have in your system a credential to for example tag a repo you can use it by passing the value of the property GIT_CREDENTIAL_ID


Check out the cf-helper script for all the configuration options!