Stores the step execution and its history along with the current percentage complete for the step execution.
Static fromJSON
fromJSON(input: )
Parameters :
Name |
Type |
Optional |
Description |
input |
Public percentageComplete
percentageComplete: number
Type : number
import { StepExecution } from './step-execution.model';
* Utility class that stores the measurements on how a specific attribute of a StepExeuction is behaving in a
* StepExecution.
export class CountDetails {
public count: number;
public min: number;
public max: number;
public mean: number;
public standardDeviation: number;
* Stores the statistics of given StepExecution.
export class StepExecutionHistory {
public stepName: string;
public count: number;
public commitCount: CountDetails;
public rollbackCount: CountDetails;
public readCount: CountDetails;
public writeCount: CountDetails;
public filterCount: CountDetails;
public readSkipCount: CountDetails;
public writeSkipCount: CountDetails;
public processSkipCount: CountDetails;
public duration: CountDetails;
public durationPerRead: CountDetails;
static fromJSON(input): StepExecutionHistory {
const stepExecutionHistory: StepExecutionHistory = new StepExecutionHistory();
stepExecutionHistory.stepName = input.stepName;
stepExecutionHistory.count = input.count;
['commitCount', 'rollbackCount', 'readCount', 'writeCount', 'filterCount', 'readSkipCount', 'writeSkipCount',
'processSkipCount', 'duration', 'durationPerRead'].forEach((item) => {
stepExecutionHistory[item] = new CountDetails();
stepExecutionHistory[item].count = input[item].count;
stepExecutionHistory[item].min = input[item].min;
stepExecutionHistory[item].max = input[item].max;
stepExecutionHistory[item].mean = input[item].mean;
stepExecutionHistory[item].standardDeviation = input[item].standardDeviation;
return stepExecutionHistory;
* Stores the step execution and its history along with the current percentage complete for the step execution.
export class StepExecutionProgress {
public stepExecution: StepExecution;
public stepExecutionHistory: StepExecutionHistory;
public percentageComplete: number;
public finished: boolean;
public duration: number;
static fromJSON(input): StepExecutionProgress {
const stepExecutionProgress: StepExecutionProgress = new StepExecutionProgress();
stepExecutionProgress.percentageComplete = input.percentageComplete;
stepExecutionProgress.finished = input.finished;
stepExecutionProgress.duration = input.duration;
stepExecutionProgress.stepExecution = StepExecution.fromJSON(input.stepExecution);
if (input.stepExecutionHistory) {
stepExecutionProgress.stepExecutionHistory = StepExecutionHistory.fromJSON(input.stepExecutionHistory);
return stepExecutionProgress;