


Pipe that format a duration based on end and start times.



name dataflowDuration


transform(start: DateTime, end: DateTime, format: string)

Returns a string containing the difference in time between the start and end parameters.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
start DateTime

The DateTime containing the start time.

end DateTime

The DateTime containing the end time.

format string

optional parameter dictating the style that the time difference should be shown. If null the default will be used.

Returns : string

string containing the difference between the start and end time in the format specified. If the result is not valid as identified by DateTime then 'N/A' is returned.


Default value : hh:mm:ss.SSS
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';

 * Pipe that format a duration based on end and start times.
 * @author Janne Valkealahti
  name: 'dataflowDuration'
export class DataflowDurationPipe implements PipeTransform {

  private DEFAULT = 'hh:mm:ss.SSS';

   * Returns a string containing the difference in time between the start and end parameters.
   * @param {DateTime} start The DateTime containing the start time.
   * @param {DateTime} end The DateTime containing the end time.
   * @param {string} format optional parameter dictating the style that the time difference should be shown.  If null
   * the default will be used.
   * @returns {string} string containing the difference between the start and end time in the format specified.  If
   * the result is not valid as identified by DateTime then 'N/A' is returned.
  transform(start: DateTime, end: DateTime, format: string = null): string {
    if (start && end) {
      const m = end.diff(start);
      if (m.isValid) {
        return m.toFormat(format != null ? format : this.DEFAULT);
    return 'N/A';

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